Sunday, May 27th, I packed up my gear and headed to the nearly century old pieces of Tacoma. But, this wasn't just any go have fun shooting, this was with photography friends. Shooting with friends had always seemed like a good idea, and, after about four years of waiting for a day like this, I was excited. And not to disappoint! Paul and Peter, some friends from youth group, had recently bought some fancy cameras and were eager to get some extra shooting in, so we picked out a date and went shooting. Our focal for the evening was old architecture. the first area we scouted was S. Tacoma Way, just south of downtown. Before too long, we found this building (pictured above in its entirety).
Must not have been completely abandoned: that light bulb is quite on.
With the external flash bouncing off an orange part of the wall parallel the the one pictured, we thought the light looked a lot like the light of a setting sun -we liked that. :)
As we were walking back to the car, we saw a man getting out of his car just ahead of us. We said "Hi," and found out that he was a photographer who used to come here to take people's portraits and he now has his studio in the building next to a couple other small businesses. That was fun. :)
In order to get to S. Tacoma Way, we had to take a detour. That detour led right past this rather impressive sight (below). After we we done shooting at the first location we decided to return to this church -Holy Rosary Church, built in 1920.
Next stop: more like downtown, still the south side.
...Not your everyday power switch...
We decided that these rooms used to be used to move the containers off trains, rather fun to look around in.
After about thirty tries, we got this.
I will admit, just before this last photo was taken, a policeman notified us that this was private property and that we shouldn't be there (if you are a policeman, I would like to thank you for your service)... he was nice about it and allowed us ten more minutes to take this last photo.
And then to true down town for a few last photos before going home. :)
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