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Friday, August 19, 2011

Brown's Point Beach

Today was one of those day that I looked out my bedroom window two to three hours before dusk and thought, "Tonight's sunset is going to be great." Sure enough, sunset was booting-up, clouds were shining yellow through the haze, and I wasn't ready to sit around at home while it happened! So, I called up a couple neighbor buddies and we rode our bikes down the the beach. Brown's Point beach to be precise.

Brown's Point is a pretty historical place, and part of that history is a boat which is just out of this next picture. Well this boat is a remake boat, but Mr. Brown had a boat that looked a lot like it! This room, however, is filled with hand tools and old style boating stuff, as it was the boat house.

The lines going across by the horizon in this next picture or some well lit boats that were going by for us.:D

Notice the stars on the right side of the is next picture, I like them.

1 comment:

  1. lol the last photo is real cool, it is cool to see a natural photo with a dualism feel. My other favorite was the one just above it, good job dude.
